-For this assignment, find a recent article describing an operational change that a company has gone through. Your example should relate to two topics: Value Streaming and thenrelate it ti Applying si

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All templates and research provided.More of data entry and article finding help needed 1hour assignment max.

Instructions below:

For this assignment, find a recent article describing an operational change that a company has gone through. Your example should relate to two topics: Value Streaming and thenrelate it ti Applying six sigma . For example, the article might describe a new supply chain system, a Six Sigma initiative, or a new product or service design process that a company implemented.

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Answer the questions in the Assignment Instructions to explore what you can learn from this real-world example.

Note: The publication date of the article must be less than 3 months old.

You can do this by:Part B and OM in Action – Please leverage the article enclosed for your Week 4 OM in Action and your Week 8 OM in Action. Perhaps you can align it to quality for the Week 4 OM in Action and product design thinking for the Week 8 OM in Action.Now, onto Part B. Please see enclosed. You had almost all of the first page of the template completed from your Part A. You had the justification of understanding why machines break causing downtime – this was great insight. I inserted that into the Part B template along with the summary metrics. You are probably thinking, which tool can I use for my Kaizen? My suggestion is root cause analysisOn page 2 of the template, you can leverage the Excel file to finish your agenda. Then, all that’s left is the explanation and how the agenda supports the objective.

-For this assignment, find a recent article describing an operational change that a company has gone through. Your example should relate to two topics: Value Streaming and thenrelate it ti Applying si
11/6/2019 U.S. Manufacturer H.B. Fuller Discloses Potential Sanctions V iolation – WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-manufacturer-h-b-fuller-discloses-potential-sanctions-violation-1 1569881020 1/2 This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit https://www .djreprints.com. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-manufacturer-h-b-fuller-discloses-potential-sanctions-violation-1 1569881020 RIS K & C OM PLIA N CE J OU RN AL U .S . M an ufa ctu re r H .B . F u lle r D is c lo se s P ote n tia l S an ctio n s V io la tio n Min neso ta c o m pan y s a ys i t s h yg ie n e p ro d u cts w ere p oss ib ly r e so ld i n I r a n H .B . F u lle r C o. , a U .S . m an ufa ctu re r o f a d hesiv es, s a id i t m ay h av e v io la te d U .S . e co n om ic s a n ctio n s o n I r a n t h ro u gh t h e p ote n tia l r e sa le o f i t s p ro d u cts b y s o m e c u sto m ers o f i t s s u bsid ia rie s. T he S t. P au l, M in n., c o m pan y i n a r e g u la to ry fi li n g s a id i t s h yg ie n e p ro d u cts w ere p oss ib ly r e so ld i n to I r a n t h ro u gh c u sto m ers o f i t s s u bsid ia rie s b ase d i n T urk ey, s ta rtin g i n 2 0 11, a n d i n I n dia , f r o m 2 0 14 . H .B . F u lle r, w hic h m akes a d hesiv es u se d i n e le ctr o n ic s, f u rn it u re , c o n str u ctio n a n d d is p osa b le b ab y d ia p ers , s a id i t m ad e a s e lf d is c lo su re o f t h e p oss ib le v io la tio n t o t h e U .S . T re a su ry D ep artm en t’s O ffi ce o f F ore ig n A ss e ts C on tr o l, w hic h e n fo rc e s U .S . e co n om ic s a n ctio n s, i n T he M ila d T ow er i n T eh ra n . H. B. F u lle r r e p ort e d t h at i t s h yg ie n e p ro d u cts w ere p oss ib ly r e so ld i n to I r a n t h ro u gh c u sto m ers o f i t s s u bsid ia rie s. P HO TO : A LI M OHA MMADI B LO OM BER G N EW S Sep t. 3 0 , 2 0 19 6 0 3 p m E T B y M en gq i S u n 11/6/2019 U.S. Manufacturer H.B. Fuller Discloses Potential Sanctions V iolation – WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-manufacturer-h-b-fuller-discloses-potential-sanctions-violation-1 1569881020 2/2 Copyright © 2019 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only . To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit https://www .djreprints.com. Ja n uary 2 0 18 . T he c o m pan y s a id i t s to p ped s a le s t o t h ese c u sto m ers i n fi sc a l 2 0 18 , a d din g t h e co m pan y d oesn ’t c u rre n tly c o n du ct a n y b u sin ess i n I r a n . Still, t h is c o u ld r e su lt i n a fi ndin g t h at U .S . s a n ctio n s w ere v io la te d a n d p oss ib le p en alt ie s, t h e co m pan y s a id i n i t s q u arte rly r e p ort fi le d w it h t h e S ecu rit ie s a n d E xch an ge C om mis s io n l a st w eek . T he c o m pan y d is c o vere d t h e p ote n tia l v io la tio n d u rin g a fi nan cia l r e v ie w a n d h asn ’t r e ce iv ed a r e sp on se f r o m O FA C, a cc o rd in g t o c o m pan y sp okesw om an K im berle e S in cla ir . T he p oss ib le v io la tio n c o u ld r e su lt i n m on eta ry p en alt ie s ra n gin g f r o m z e ro t o $ 10 m illi o n , H .B . F u lle r s a id in t h e fi li n g. “H .B . F u lle r n ev er s o ld a n y p ro d u cts i n to I r a n ,” M s. S in cla ir s a id . “ A c u sto m er i n t h e M id dle E ast d iv erte d a s m all a m ou n t o f b ab y d ia p er a d hesiv e in to I r a n . W e i m med ia te ly a le rte d O FA C w hen w e fo u n d o u t.” M s. S in cla ir s a id t h e c o m pan y m an ufa ctu re s b ab y d ia p er a d hesiv es i n I n dia a n d has a s a le s o ffi ce i n T urk ey. T he c o m pan y s a id i n t h e fi li n g t h at i t r e ta in ed l e g al c o u n se l t o c o n du ct a n i n te rn al i n vestig atio n on t h e i s s u e i n 2 0 18 . M s. S in cla ir s a id t h e c o m pan y h as c o n clu ded i t s i n te rn al i n vestig atio n a n d has s u bm it te d t h e r e su lt s a n d fi ndin gs t o O FA C. T he T ru m p a d m in is tr a tio n i n S ep te m ber i n cre a se d s a n ctio n s o n I r a n i n r e sp on se t o a tta ck s o n crit ic a l o il s u ppli e s i n S au di A ra b ia . T he U .S . l a st w eek b la ck li s te d s e v era l C hin ese c o m pan ie s fo r a lle g ed ly s h ip pin g I r a n ia n o il i n v io la tio n o f U .S . s a n ctio n s. W rit e to M en gq i S u n a t m en gq i.s u n @ wsj.c o m Newsletter Sign-up M orn in g R is k R ep ort In sig h ts a n d n ew s o n g o vern an ce , r is k a n d co m pli a n ce . S IG N U P PR EV IE W →
-For this assignment, find a recent article describing an operational change that a company has gone through. Your example should relate to two topics: Value Streaming and thenrelate it ti Applying si
JWI 550 Six Sigma Project Charter: Part C Nasha Wonsley 11/17/2019 Professor Chinue Uecker Based on the value stream map of Reduction in Production Time, the potential Six Sigma Projects include: Reduce the Total Lead Time: the total lead time was 15 mins. Reduce the Total Process Time: the total process time was 9 mins. Improve the Activity Ratio: the Activity Ratio was 60%. Improve the Rolled %C&A: the rolled %C&A was 39%. I recommend the following Six Sigma Project: List the one (1) recommended Six Sigma project here The justification for selecting the (insert the name of the Six Sigma project recommended) Six Sigma project is insert your detailed explanation here. PROJECT NAME: (insert the project name here) Six Sigma project PROBLEM STATEMENT: (must be a specific, measurable and chronic problem or performance gap/deficiency; No blame, no causes, no Solutions in this statement): GOAL STATEMENT: (what level of performance is to be achieved, by when, for this project. Must be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound): PROJECT SCOPE: (must be a manageable and doable “bite size” project, within 6 months or less): In-Scope Out-of-Scope CTQs of PROCESSES WITHIN PROJECT SCOPE: KEY METRIC: (this is the performance outcome Y to be improved by the project, stated in measurable terms, such as: delivery time in hours, % yield) CTQ Measurement Key Metric EXPECTED BENEFITS: (operational and financial benefits to be expected when project goal is achieved): Operational Financial MILESTONES FOR DMAIC OR DMADV PHASES: Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Insert timeframe Insert timeframe Insert timeframe Insert timeframe Insert timeframe PROJECT CHAMPION: PROJECT LEADER (Green Belt or Black Belt): PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS: AD-HOC MEMBERS: APPROVED BY & DATE:
-For this assignment, find a recent article describing an operational change that a company has gone through. Your example should relate to two topics: Value Streaming and thenrelate it ti Applying si
JWI 550 Detailed Agenda(s) for Kaizen or Work-Outs Part B Nasha Wonsley 11/10/19 Professor Chinue Uecker 1) List the potential Kaizen events, select the one to be deployed and justify your selection. Then, define the Kaizen objective and scope for the selected event. Reduce the Total Lead Time: the total lead time was 15 mins. Reduce the Total Process Time: the total process time was 9 mins. Improve the Activity Ratio: the Activity Ratio was 60%. Improve the Rolled %C&A: the rolled %C&A was 39%. The chosen Kaizen event is Process Step 2 – Bonding. From Part A, our machines in Bonding stops working halting our technicians from building products, resulting in downtime. The Kaizen objective is to understand why the machines in Bonding stop working. The Kaizen scope is Process Step 2 – Bonding. 2) Develop a detailed agenda for each Kaizen event. Day 1 Time Session Topic/Objective Lean Tools Output/Deliverables Rationale 3a) Explain your choice for number of days, sequence for session topics, and justify the Lean tools to be used and outputs from each session. Number of days: Sequence for Session Topics: Lean Tools: Session Outputs: 3b) Show how your Kaizen agenda supports the Kaizen objective and scope for the event. This discussion should be specific to your value stream and organization. How Session Supports Kaizen Agenda and Scope: References: Martin, K. & Osterling, M. (2014). Value Stream Mapping. George, M., Rowlands, D., Price, M. and Maxey, J. (2005). Lean Six Sigma Pocket Tool Book. McGraw-Hill Publisher. New York, NY
-For this assignment, find a recent article describing an operational change that a company has gone through. Your example should relate to two topics: Value Streaming and thenrelate it ti Applying si
JWI 550: Operations Management Operations Management in Action © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed , in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. 550 – OM in Action (1194 ) Page 1 of 2 Due: Sunday, m idnight of Week s 4 and 8 (10 % of course grade) Overview When learning about the tools and techniques of Operations Management , it’s important to not to approach this in an “abstract” or “academic” way. The discipline has evolved to bring real -world solutions to real -world problems. Organizations that have successfully implemented practices of process a nalysis , Lean , Six Sigma and other methodologies have often realized significant improvements in performance . In some case s, these improvements have turned them from a path to bankruptcy to a position of market leadership. Our u nderstanding of the benefits of sound Ope ration s Management practices is strengthened when we study such examples . There is also much to be learned from stu dying organizations that were unable to adequately address operational challenge s and have suffered loss es in market share or profitability because of that. Further, having rea l-world examples to draw on can not only help us frame our operational improvement efforts, but can also provide sources of illustration and inspiration for our team s, as we lead them in their pursuit of operational excellence. Instructions 1. Find a recent article , published within the last 3 months , in the Wall Street Journal (or other reputable news source) that discusses an operational win or challenge that a company has gone through which has had a significant impact on its business. In selecting your article: a. Do not limit your search to organizations in any particular sector. Remember that best practices are everywhere if you are willing to look for them. b. Identify the wins/challenges that connect to one of th e topics we covered in the first four (4) weeks of the course for your first submission and then Weeks 5 through 8 for your second submission. c. You may select the same organization for both submission s, or you may select a different organization for your se cond submission . 2. In the “Operations Management in Ac tion” forum link found in W eek 4 and Week 8 of the course, submit an original post in which you : a. Write a brief introductory “executive summary” identifying the organization, the challenge and the current state of affairs. Remember to include a link to the article for easy reference b. Explain which Operations Management practice this article is most closely associated with c. Summarize the problem and the impact that the tools had (or could have had) in addressing it d. Explain how this example can be used as a lesson in your organization to either point to an area of opportunity for a similar win, or to warn of a potential risk t hat could have significant impact on your business, if left unaddressed 3. You are encouraged to r ead the posts from your fellow students and add replies and comments for the examples you find most interesting. JWI 550: Operations Management Operations Management in Action © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed , in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. 550 – OM in Action (1194 ) Page 2 of 2 RUBRIC: Operations Management in Action CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors Find a recent article , published within the last 3 months , in the W all Street Journal (or other reputable news source) that discusses an operational win or challenge that a company has gone through which has had a significant impact on its business . Weight: 1 5% No article was selected , or the topic of the article did not match to topics covered in the course The chosen article made passing reference to an operational challenge addressed in the course but did not focus sufficiently on the details of the win or challenge to provide insight into what really happened . The chosen article referred to an operational challenge addressed in the course and provided moderate details of t he win or challenge but left numerous unanswered questions about what really happened . The article is well aligned with the course topics and provides a detailed analysis of the operational win or challenge faced by the organization . The a rticle is well aligned to the course topics, and provides a n excellent analysis of the operational win or challenge experienced by the organization , and describes the impact on the business. In no more than two ( 2) single -spaced pages: Write a brief introductory “executive summary” in which you identify the organization, the challenge and the current state of affairs. Remember to include a link to the article for easy reference . Explain which Operations Management practice s this article is most closely associated with Summarize the problem and the impact that the tools have had in addressing it . Weight: 60% No executive summary included and/or no operations management topic identified. No discussion of the impact of Operations Management tools relevant to the situation. The e xecutive summary included, but unclear or inaccurate identification of Operations Management practices relevant to the situation. No explanation of the use and impact the tools had in address ing the problem or opportunity . The s atisfactory executive summary included , with clear and accurate identification of Operations Management practices relevant to the situation. A b asic explanation of the use and impact the tools had in address ing the probl em or opportunity . Well -written executive summary included , with a clear and accurate identification of Operations Management practices relevant to the situation. Accurate and detailed explanation of the use and impact the tools had in address ing the problem or opportunity . Excellently written executive summary included , with clear and accurate identification of Operations Management practices relevant to the situation. Excellent and insightful explanation of the use and impact of the tools in address ing the challenge. Student shows insight into the outcomes the organization achieved as a result. Explain how this example can be used as a lesson in your own organization to either point to an area of opportunity for a similar win, or to warn against a potential risk that could have significant impact on your business if left unaddressed . Weight: 25% No explanation of possi ble applications to student’s organization . Basic explanation of possib le applications to student’s organization, but overly general and lacking detail . Good explanation of possi ble applications to student’s organization, plus a clear description of the connection to a current challenge or opportun ity in the student’s own organization . Very good, detailed explanation of possible applications to student’s own organization, plus a clear description of the connection to a current challenge or opportunity in the student’s organization . Exemplary expla nation of possible applications to student’s own organization, plus an excellent description of the connection to a current challenge or opportunity in the student’s organization .


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