Persuasive Editorial, Module 03 Written Assignment help

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A persuasive editorial presents an opinion about an issue of public
interest. Opinions deal with matters of interpretation and questions
that can be viewed in more than one way.

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For this assignment, write a 1-2 page persuasive editorial on a topic
of your choice. Click on the link below to review the steps you should
follow to write your persuasive editorial:

All written assignments in this course must:

  1. Be typed in Microsoft Word.
  2. Be double-spaced, with one space after punctuation between sentences.
  3. Contain no breaks between sections or paragraphs.
  4. Have 1″ margins on all sides.
  5. Be in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
  6. Include a page header (shortened title) in the upper left-hand of
    every page and a page number in the upper right-hand side of every page.
  7. Include an APA-style cover-page.
  8. Have the title again, centered at the top of page two.
  9. Identify all sources within the paper by using parenthetical in-text citations.
  10. Include an APA-style references page that matches the parenthetical in-text citations.

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